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Success stories: Retail

"To know the final customer well when offering products and/or services"

The retail sector is one of the sectors with the greatest number of companies in Spain and which provides the greatest added value by knowing the customers who are located in a specific place. As it is a sector of direct sale to the public, it needs to know first of all the previous needs existing in a specific area before installing a point of sale, and on the other hand to know well its clients and future clients, which is essential for their loyalty.

At Deyde Datacentricwe have many success stories in the retail sector and more than 1,800 million processed data with which our clients have managed to identify suitable points of sale, locate the areas where their target audience is located, get to know their clients in a much more personalised way and obtain greater effectiveness in their sales and marketing strategies.

icono casa con geolocalizador

Updated, clean and enriched database for a correct management of your sales and marketing strategy

icono casa con geolocalizador

Increased knowledge of customers and potential customers

icono casa con geolocalizador

Location of shops with greater affinity to the target audience

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